It's funny 'cause it's true!
In our mind the perfect plan exists and the way to ultimate success is clear.
The path is straight.
Oh, what a lovely place to live.
But that's not where dreams stay, is it?
William Shakespeare said that expectations are the root of all bitterness.
Seriously Will?
Yes, disappointment comes with having expectations.
What should one do, then?
Is it better to have low expectations?
Or worse, none at all?
Absolutely not!
Just know that the road traveled to pursue vision and live our best lives will inevitably include many twists and turns.
And while it is a cliche', a smooth sea truly did ever make a skilled sailor.
If you're like me, we all should be nautical experts by now!
If the dream still holds value, it remains worth pursuing.
The lessons learned throughout what can be, at times, a varied journey may just be the most valuable part.
Keep sailing my friend, and don't settle.
