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Jim Davis

Jim Davis
Dec 14, 20231 min read
Why Worry?
Why should you worry? Answer: You shouldn't. Worry is borrowing trouble from a day or moment that hasn't happened yet. It's both...
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Jim Davis
Dec 5, 20231 min read
Happy Birthday, Walt Disney
Today is Walt Disney’s birthday. He is one of my favorite people in history for a bunch of reasons. His life and story, including his...
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Jim Davis
Nov 16, 20231 min read
Never Give Up
Jeff Bezos in 1999. Do you think he knew in his mind Amazon would become what it is today? Who would have walked into this office and...
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Jim Davis
Oct 31, 20231 min read
May "The Force" be With You
Are you a Star Wars fan? Do you believe “the Force” is with you? Do you know it is a $27 billion business that almost didn’t happen? It...
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Jim Davis
Oct 9, 20231 min read
Keep A Clear Perspective
The issue is not your problem, the issue is what you think about your problem. It's all in what you see, not at which you're looking. We...
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Jim Davis
Jul 29, 20233 min read
Life is Like Flying
Spending more time on a plane this past week got me thinking… Flying is like life. Here’s what I mean: Everyone’s on a journey. It’s easy...
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Jim Davis
May 10, 20232 min read
The Worth of a Penny
Would you bend over to pick up a penny? There was a day when it was a big thing to find a penny. We even thought it was better if it was...
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Jim Davis
May 8, 20231 min read
The Value of a Job
What's the value of a job or work? If you could ask this man, who made and wore this sign during the Great Depression, I'm sure you'd...
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Jim Davis
Apr 5, 20231 min read
It's Been Five Years!
Where were you five years ago? What were you thinking? Was it about today? How did that five-year plan go? Did you even have a five-year...
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Jim Davis
Mar 29, 20231 min read
Be Led, Not Pushed.
Problems come to us all. Dreams may not. Either way there is a force attached to both. One reality is chosen, the other outside of our...
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Jim Davis
Mar 24, 20231 min read
I can honestly say this!👍 And not just love as in I love fried chicken or coffee. (Coffee may be more of a dependent relationship, but I...
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Jim Davis
Mar 20, 20231 min read
Don't Fight It. On Second Thought, Do!
"Age is just a number." "You're only as old as you feel." "60 is the new 40." These phrases are used to help soften the fact that all of...
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Jim Davis
Mar 6, 20231 min read
Bloom Where You Are
Real growth and change do not require a bulletin board. It shows. In big and small ways, one who grows self will eventually grow others....
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Jim Davis
Feb 20, 20232 min read
Celebrating Presidents
46 men have been US presidents. In America’s relatively short history a considerable array of individuals has risen from a variety of...
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Jim Davis
Jan 9, 20231 min read
What's the Point of New Year Resolutions?
What is the point of making New Year Resolutions? I’m not asking that as a negative. Drafting this traditional January list is an...
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Jim Davis
Dec 5, 20221 min read
Beautiful Imperfection
The image is that of a process the Japanese call kintsugi, also known as kintsukuroi, which means “golden repair.” It is the art of...
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Jim Davis
Nov 28, 20221 min read
Time To Take Over The World
What are you ready to take on today? You may not take OVER the world, but you can certainly take it on! What excites you about today...
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Jim Davis
Nov 3, 20221 min read
Think About What You're Thinking About!
I literally felt this when I read it. Do we truly realize the enormous impact of what we think? The human mind is so very powerful. It...
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Jim Davis
Oct 31, 20221 min read
God Is For You
God is in your corner. Or, at least, He can be. He should be. I can trace the times I've attempted to manipulate my own machinations. I...
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